Getting There and Away

Here you will find information on how to get to Karlsruhe by airplane, train, or car. Some quick-links for your personal planning:

By Airplane

Nearest Airports are Frankfurt/Main (FRA) and Stuttgart (STR), which are both around 1 hour by train or car from Karlsruhe. Frankfurt is, as a big hub, the larger airport and has a direct train connection from the airport to Karlsruhe central station every second hour.

Information on arrival in Frankfurt Airport:

Follow the baggage claim sign (in worst case it may be a 15 min walk depending on your arrival gate!). After leaving the baggage claim area, follow the directions labeled "Train Stations". It is important that you follow the sign "Long Distance Trains" ("Fernbahnhof") or tracks 4-7 (do not follow Regional Trains). Direct trains to Karlsruhe central station are usually departing from track 5 and are scheduled roughly every 2 hours (departing 11:54, 13:54, 15:54, ...). Seat reservation is recommended as the trains may be crowded on the weekend.

Further information

If you plan to stay additional days in Europe, you might also consider flying to Paris or Munich. There are high speed trains going on a regular basis, which take around 3 hours (from Paris) to 3.5 hours (from Munich).

More information and online tickets can be found at Deutsche Bahn.

By Train

After arrival at Karlsruhe Hauptbahnhof (central station), take the exit "Ausgang City" towards the tram station. Karlsruhe has an excellent public transportation network. A single ride within city limits is usually included in the long distance train ticket - ask the conductor if in doubt. You can also get around by taxi. However, if you live in the city center, taking the tram/streetcar is highly recommended.

The tram station closest to the venue is "Marktplatz". From the central station, you may take

  • tram line 6, destination Rappenwört/Daxlanden (light green),
  • commuter line (S-Bahn) S1/S11, destination Neureut/Hochstetten (dark green), or
  • commuter line (S-Bahn) S4/S41, destination Bretten/Gölshausen/Eppingen (dark red).

Those lines also pass by the hotels listed here. A map of the local transportation network can be downloaded here. For further information, please refer to the transportation company's website (German only).

Note: Unfortunately, there are some major construction works ongoing - we are getting a metro! The public transportation service will be provided despite this work, but it might lead to some changes in the instructions given above. We will keep them up-to-date, so please ensure to check back on this site shortly before getting here.

By Car

Best is, if you follow the instructions given by your hotel. Leave your car at the hotel and take a tram / commuter line to Markplatz (see above). It's much faster and easier than looking for a parking space close to the castle!